Call for Recommendation of Applicants for Kovalevskaya Grants of ICM 2022

Release time:2021-05-20

Call for Recommendation of Applicants for Kovalevskaya Grants of ICM 2022

Dear council members of Chinese Mathematical Society,

The International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 (ICM 2022) will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia from July 6 to 14, 2022.

There are two grants for ICM 2022:Chebyshev Grants and Kovalevskaya Grants. The Chebyshev Grants program provides full support (including airfare and local expenses in Saint-Petersburg) to 1000 participants from the developing countries as defined by the IMU. The Kovalevskaya Grants program provides local support for up to 1000 Early Career participants from the developed countries as defined by the IMU.For related instructions and application materials, please refer to:

The Kovalevskaya grants will be administered in collaboration with national and regional mathematical societies and funding agencies. The Chinese Mathematical Society will recommend a number of applicants for the Kovalevskaya Grants to the grant selection committee of ICM2022. For applicants who have difficulties for travel expenses, the Chinese Mathematical Society can also provide funding.

Council membersof Chinese Mathematics Society are invited to actively recommend outstanding young researchers to apply for the Kovalevskaya Grants. The applicant need to:

● be a member of the Chinese Mathematical Society (provide membership number)

● register ICM 2022 (provide ICM 2022 conference registration number)

● provide the complete application form (see the attached form)


Council members please send all the above documents to the office of Chinese Mathematical Society ( by July 31, 2021.

Thank you for your support to the Chinese Mathematical Society!


ICM 2022 Kovalevskaya(Application Form)

Office of the Chinese Mathematical Society

 May 11, 2021



國(guó)際數(shù)學(xué)家大會(huì)(ICM 2022)將于2022年7月6日至14日在俄羅斯的圣彼得堡召開(kāi)。ICM 2022有兩項(xiàng)旅費(fèi)資助: Chebyshev 項(xiàng)目和Kovalevskay項(xiàng)目。Chebyshev項(xiàng)目全額資助參會(huì)人員的費(fèi)用。Kovalevskaya項(xiàng)目資助青年數(shù)學(xué)家(Early Career Mathematicians)參會(huì)的當(dāng)?shù)刭M(fèi)用,旅費(fèi)需自付。相關(guān)說(shuō)明及申請(qǐng)材料敬請(qǐng)參考:

ICM 2022的Kovalevskaya項(xiàng)目可以與各國(guó)數(shù)學(xué)會(huì)合作申請(qǐng)。中國(guó)數(shù)學(xué)會(huì)可以向ICM2022推薦一定數(shù)量的Kovalevskaya項(xiàng)目候選人。對(duì)候選人中對(duì)旅費(fèi)籌集確實(shí)有困難的,數(shù)學(xué)會(huì)也可提供資助。

請(qǐng)各位理事積極推薦優(yōu)秀青年科研人員申請(qǐng)Kovalevskaya項(xiàng)目。申請(qǐng)人需要是中國(guó)數(shù)學(xué)會(huì)會(huì)員, 并且有ICM 2022會(huì)議的注冊(cè)號(hào)。附件為申請(qǐng)表格。請(qǐng)把相關(guān)表格在2021年7月31日前發(fā)送到中國(guó)數(shù)學(xué)會(huì)郵箱。  



ICM2022 Kovalevskaya經(jīng)費(fèi)申請(qǐng)表





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