Introduction of CMS

The Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS) is an academic social group of Chinese mathematicians and it is an constituent part of the China Association for Science and Technology. The purpose of CMS is to unite Chinese mathematicians to promote the development of mathematics, boost Chinese science and technology, encourage the growth and advance of science and technology talents, as well as making contribution to revitalizing the economy, promoting construction of two civilizations, and accelerating the socialist modernization of our country. The main tasks of the CMS including: organizing academic activities, editing and publishing mathematics journals, carrying out international academic exchanges, holding mathematics competitions, launching popularization works, organizing activities that promote the reform of mathematical education, and organizing workshops or seminars according to the needs of national construction and disciplinary development.

The Chinese Mathematical Society was founded in Shanghai in July 1935. The first meeting was held in the library of Shanghai Jiao Tong University on July 25th, which has thirty-three participants. The institutional framework of the Chinese Mathematical Society sets the board of directors (董事會), the council (理事會) and the senate (評議會) when it was established. Its members were Tun-fu HU (胡敦復(fù)), Zuxun FENG (馮祖荀), Meiquan ZHOU (周美權(quán)), Lifu JIANG(姜立夫), King-Lai HIONG(熊慶來), Kike-Kwong CHEN (陳建功), Buchin SU(蘇步青), Tsai-han KIANG (江澤涵), Baocong QIAN (錢寶琮), Zhongsun FU (傅種孫), etc. Published Journals include Journal of Chinese Mathematical Society and the popularity journals Jounral of Mathematics. In year 1952 and 1953, the names of these two journals were changed to  Acta Mathematica Sinica (數(shù)學學報) and Mathematical Bulletin (數(shù)學通報).

The location of the Chinese mathematics Society after its establishment was: Shanghai Ya Er Pei Road (now: Shanxi south Road). No. 533 the Science Society of China. After the founding of People's Republic of China, the location of Chinese Mathematical Society set to Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. At present, the affiliation of the Chinese Mathematical Society is the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The first general assembly of the Chinese Mathematical Society was held in Beijing in August 1951. The second general assembly of CMS was in Shanghai in February 1960. The third was in Chengdu in November 1978. The fourth was in Wuhan in October 1983. Loo-keng HUA (華羅庚) served as the President for the first to the third sessions. In the fourth general assembly, Loo-keng HUA(華羅庚), Buqing SU(蘇步青), Tsai-han KIANG(江澤涵),Daren WU(吳大任),Zhao KE(柯召)were elected to be the Honorary Presidents. The Presidents of the next eleven sessions of the Chinese Mathematical Society are Wen-Tsun WU (吳文俊), Yuan WANG(王元), Lo YANG(楊樂), Kung-ching CHANG(張恭慶), Zhiming MA(馬志明), Lan WEN(文蘭), Zhiming MA(馬志明), Shicheng WANG(王詩宬), Yaxiang YUAN(袁亞湘) Gang TIAN(田剛)and Nanhua XI(席南華) respectively.

The fifty anniversary conference of the Chinese Mathematical Society was held in Shanghai in December 1985. Peiyuan ZHOU (周培源), Guangzhao ZHOU (周光召) etc. attended the openning ceremony and addressed. Many famous mathematicians including Shingshen CHERN(陳省身), H. CARTAN etc. were invited to attend the meeting. The seventh general assembly and the 60 anniversay conference of the Chinese Mathematical Society was held in May of 1995. Guangya ZHU (朱光亞), Yongxiang LU (路甬祥) etc. attended the conference, Shingshen CHERN (陳省身), Shing-Tung Yau(丘成桐) etc. were invited to attend the conference and give talks. The main topics of the two anniversary conferences were academic communications.

Now, the journals published by the Chinese Mathematical Society are: Acta Mathematica Sinica (數(shù)學學報,中文版), Acta Mathematica Sinica (English series) (數(shù)學學報,英文版), Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica(應(yīng)用數(shù)學學報,中文版),Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) (應(yīng)用數(shù)學學報,英文版),Advances in Mathematics (China)(數(shù)學進展), Journal of Mathematics in Practice and Theory (數(shù)學實踐與認識), Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics(應(yīng)用概率統(tǒng)計),Mathematical Bulletin(數(shù)學通報), and the popularity journals Middle School  Students Mathematics (中學生數(shù)學) and Newsletters of Chinese Mathematical Society (中國數(shù)學會通訊).

Thirty-one provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China have established local mathematics society organizations. They carry out activities independently, and the Chinese Mathematical Society is responsible for providing operation guidance for them. The professional committes of the Chinese Mathematical Society are: Computational Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Mathematical History, Uniform Design, Biology Mathematics, Combinatorics and graphic theory, Computer Mathematics, Singular Pertubation, Nonlinear Functional Analysis, and Mathematical Logic. At present, the working committes of the Chinese Mathematical Society are: Organization Committee, Academic Exchange Committee, International Exchange Committee, Editing and Publication Committee, Mathematical Popularization and Dissemination Committee, Mathematical Education Committee, Youth Working and Colleges Mathematics Competition Committee, Middle Schools Mathematics Competition Committee, Female Mathematicians Committee, Glossary of Mathematical Terms Committee, Western Mathematics Development Committee, Mathematical Development Foundation and the office of Chinese Mathematical Society.

Members of the Chinese Mathematical Society should be in science research, education, production departments that engaged in mathematics or mathematics-related works, equivalent to mathematicians that have the title similar to assistant professors, lecturers, or engineers. Nowadays, members of the Chinese Mathematical Society are over 20,000. The President of the fourteenth Council of CMS is Nanhua XI(席南華), Vice Presidents are (sorted by stroke of Chinese characters) Fuquan FANG(方復(fù)全), Yuguang SHI(史宇光), Kening LU(呂克寧), Ruochuan LIU(劉若川), Tao TANG(湯濤), Jun LI(李駿), Jiayu LI(李嘉禹), Zhen WU(吳臻), Weiping ZHANG(張偉平), Ran ZHANG(張然), Liping YUAN(苑立平), Feimin HUANG(黃飛敏), Yuhong DAI(戴彧虹), The secretary general is Yuguang SHI(史宇光).


The address of the Chinese Mathematical Society:

Telephone number:+86-010-82541197 / +86-010-82541448

Post code: 100190

Email, or 

Address: No. 55 Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100190


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Professor Jiaqing ZHONG

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